The book COLLECTED SONNETS is a collection of nine books of sonnets written by author Judith Weinshall Liberman when she was in her early nineties. The book is Ms. Liberman's twelfth book of poems. Before publishing this book, she had published eleven books of poems: REFLECTIONS (with her daughter, Laura Liberman, M.D.) in 2012, PASSION in 2013, and nine books of sonnets: SONNETS OF LOSS AND TRIUMPH, SONNETS OF PAIN AND FORGIVENESS, SONNETS OF SETBACK AND HOPE, SONNETS OF GRIEF AND PRIDE, SONNETS OF BETRAYAL AND ACCEPTANCE, SONNETS OF POWER AND HONOR, SONNETS OF ENVY AND EXILE, SONNETS OF ESCAPE AND DISCOVERY and SONNETS OF SEPARATION AND SURVIVAL, all in 2021. She had also previously published a book titled ZINA (2013) about her mother's life and poetry. This collection of nine books of sonnets is arranged in the order in which they were written. Each of the books in this collection was inspired by a different biblical character: Job, Joseph, Moses, Sisera, Judas, David, Abraham, Jonah, and Noah. In each case, there was something in the character's story that resonated with the author These sonnets are intended to convey some of the important lessons the author has learned during her long life.

Sonnets of Separation and Survival
The book SONNETS OF SEPARATION AND SURVIVAL is a collection of sonnets written by author Judith Weinshall Liberman when she was ninety-two years old. The book is Ms. Liberman's eleventh book of poems. Before writing the sonnets presented in this book, she had published ten books of poems: REFLECTIONS (with her daughter, Laura Liberman, M.D.) in 2012, PASSION in 2013, and eight books of sonnets: SONNETS OF LOSS AND TRIUMPH, SONNETS OF PAIN AND FORGIVENESS, SONNETS OF SETBACK AND HOPE, SONNETS OF GRIEF AND PRIDE, SONNETS OF BETRAYAL AND ACCEPTANCE, SONNETS OF POWER AND HONOR, SONNETS OF ENVY AND EXILE and SONNETS OF ESCAPE AND DISCOVERY, all in 2021. She had also previously published a book titled ZINA (2013) about her mother's life and poetry. The Old Testament story of Noah plays an important part in the present book. Noah's survival of the flood is viewed by the author as a mixed blessing. While Noah and his immediate family survived the flood, Noah must have missed his native land and those he had left behind. This book conveys some of the important lessons Ms. Liberman has learned during her long life.

Sonnets of Escape and Discovery
The book SONNETS OF ESCAPE AND DISCOVERY is a collection of sonnets written by author Judith Weinshall Liberman when she was ninety-two years old. The book is Ms. Liberman's tenth book of poems. Before writing the sonnets presented in this book, she had published nine books of poems: REFLECTIONS (with her daughter, Laura Liberman, M.D.) in 2012, PASSION in 2013, and seven books of sonnets: SONNETS OF LOSS AND TRIUMPH, SONNETS OF PAIN AND FORGIVENESS, SONNETS OF SETBACK AND HOPE, SONNETS OF GRIEF AND PRIDE, SONNETS OF BETRAYAL AND ACCEPTANCE, SONNETS OF POWER AND HONOR, and SONNETS OF ENVY AND EXILE, all in 2021. She had also previously published a book titled ZINA (2013) about her mother's life and poetry. The Old Testament story of Jonah plays an important part in the present book. Jonah's attempt to escape God's command and his discovery that there was no escape have reverberated with the author increasingly through the years. This book conveys some of the important lessons Ms. Liberman has learned during her long life.

The book SONNETS OF ENVY AND EXILE is a collection of sonnets written by author Judith Weinshall Liberman when she was ninety-two years old. The book is Ms. Liberman's ninth book of poems. Before writing the sonnets presented in this book, she had published eight books of poems: REFLECTIONS (with her daughter, Laura Liberman, M.D.) in 2012, PASSION in 2013, and six books of sonnets: SONNETS OF LOSS AND TRIUMPH, SONNETS OF PAIN AND FORGIVENESS, SONNETS OF SETBACK AND HOPE, SONNETS OF GRIEF AND PRIDE, SONNETS OF BETRAYAL AND ACCEPTANCE and SONNETS OF POWER AND HONOR, all in 2021. She had also previously published a book titled ZINA (2013) about her mother's life and poetry. The Old Testament story of Abraham plays an important part in the present book. Abraham's adherence to his wife's demand that he send his son Ishmael away has made the author question whether Abraham deserves the veneration he has received. This book conveys some of the important lessons Ms. Liberman has learned during her long life.

The book SONNETS OF POWER AND HONOR is a collection of sonnets written by author Judith Weinshall Liberman when she was ninety-two years old. The book is Ms. Liberman's eighth book of poems. Before writing the sonnets presented in this book, she had published seven books of poems: REFLECTIONS (with her daughter, Laura Liberman, M.D.) in 2012, PASSION in 2013, and five books of sonnets: SONNETS OF LOSS AND TRIUMPH, SONNETS OF PAIN AND FORGIVENESS, SONNETS OF SETBACK AND HOPE, SONNETS OF GRIEF AND PRIDE and SONNETS OF BETRAYAL AND ACCEPTANCE, all in 2021. She had also previously published a book titled ZINA (2013) about her mother's life and poetry. The Old Testament story of David plays an important part in the present book. David's reaction to King Saul's relentless pursuit throws light on David's admirable behavior while he was young. The change in David's behavior after he became king is made clear in these sonnets. This book conveys some of the important lessons Ms. Liberman has learned during her long life.

Sonnets of Betrayal and Acceptance
The book SONNETS OF BETRAYAL AND ACCEPTANCE is a collection of sonnets written by author Judith Weinshall Liberman when she was ninety-two years old. The book is Ms. Liberman's seventh book of poems. Before writing the sonnets presented in this book, she had published six books of poems: REFLECTIONS (with her daughter, Laura Liberman, M.D.) in 2012, PASSION in 2013, and four books of sonnets: SONNETS OF LOSS AND TRIUMPH, SONNETS OF PAIN AND FORGIVENESS, SONNETS OF SETBACK AND HOPE and SONNETS OF GRIEF AND PRIDE, all in 2021. She had also previously published a book titled ZINA (2013) about her mother's life and poetry.
The New Testament story of Judas plays an important part in the present book. Judas' betrayal of Jesus still demands an explanation, as do the less consequential betrayals Ms. Liberman herself has suffered, some of which are discussed in the present book. This book conveys some of the important lessons Ms. Liberman has learned during her long life.

The book SONNETS OF GRIEF AND PRIDE is a collection of sonnets written by author Judith Weinshall Liberman when she was ninety-two years old. The book is Ms. Liberman's sixth book of poems. Before writing the sonnets presented in this book, she had published five books of poems: REFLECTIONS (with her daughter, Laura Liberman, M.D.) in 2012, PASSION in 2013, and SONNETS OF LOSS AND TRIUMPH as well as SONNETS OF PAIN AND FORGIVENESS and SONNETS OF SETBACK AND HOPE in 2021. She had also published a book titled ZINA (2013) about her mother's life and poetry.
In the present book, Ms. Liberman juxtaposes the stories of three women, each of whom lost a son: Sisera's mother, the Virgin Mary, and the author's own mother. With understanding and compassion, the author illuminates the devastating effect of a son's death. This book conveys some of the important lessons Ms. Liberman has learned during her long life.

SONNETS OF SETBACK AND HOPE is a collection of sonnets written by author Judith Weinshall Liberman when she was ninety-two years old. The book is Ms. Liberman's fifth book of poems. Before writing the sonnets presented in this book, she had published four books of poems: REFLECTIONS (with her daughter, Laura Liberman, M.D.) in 2012, PASSION in 2013, and both SONNETS OF LOSS AND TRIUMPH and SONNETS OF PAIN AND FORGIVENESS in 2021. She had also published a book titled ZINA (2013) about her mother's life and poetry.
The story of Moses, as told in the Old Testament, plays an important part in the sonnets contained in the present book. Moses' perseverance in the face of adversity and his unshakable hope make him a leader to be admired. This book conveys some of the important lessons Ms. Liberman has learned during her long life.

Sonnets of Pain and Forgiveness
SONNETS OF PAIN AND FORGIVENNESS is a collection of sonnets written by author Judith Weinshall Liberman when she was ninety-one years old. The book is Ms. Liberman's fourth book of poems. Before writing the sonnets presented in this book, she had published three books of poems, REFLECTIONS (with her daughter, Laura Liberman, M.D.) in 2012, PASSION in 2013, and SONNETS OF LOSS AND TRIUMPH in 2021. She had also published a book titled ZINA (2013) about her mother's life and poetry. The story of Joseph, as told in the Old Testament book of GENESIS, plays an important part in the sonnets contained in the present book, since the story of Joseph raises fundamental questions about pain and forgiveness, as do these sonnets. The sonnets in SONNETS OF PAIN AND FORGIVENESS convey some of the important lessons Ms. Liberman has learned during her long life.

SONNETS OF LOSS AND TRIUMPH is a collection of sonnets written by author Judith Weinshall Liberman when she was ninety-one years old. The book is Ms. Liberman's third book of poems. Before writing the sonnets presented in this book, she had published two books of poems, REFLECTIONS (with her daughter, Laura Liberman, M.D.) in 2012, and PASSION in 2013. She had also published a book titled ZINA (2013) about her mother's life and poetry. The story of Job, as told in the Old Testament book of JOB, plays an important part in the sonnets contained in the present book, since the story of Job raises fundamental questions about justice, as do these sonnets. The sonnets in SONNETS OF LOSS AND TRIUMPH convey some of the important lessons Ms. Liberman has learned during her long life.

Zina: A Selection From Her Poems And Photographs
This book affords English speaking readers their first opportunity to read and enjoy the poetry of Zina Weinshall. Zina was born in Russia in 1900 and moved to Israel in 1920. Early on, she wrote her poetry in Russian, her mother tongue; later, after she had mastered the Hebrew language, she wrote her poems in Hebrew, the language of her adopted land. Through this translation of Zina's poetry into English, poems from both groups are now accessible to western readers. Seventy eight of the poems in this book represent three separate collections of poems which Zina had printed as small books between 1929 and 1944 for distribution to family and friends. The poems have been left in their sequence as organized by Zina herself within each of the collections. Also included in this book is a poem Zina wrote after losing her son in war in 1948. In addition to Zina's poetry, readers will find a large collection of family photographs assembled by the editor, Zina's daughter, Judith Weinshall Liberman, and the editor's comments about each photograph, both captivating and enlightening. The editor's preface to the book, as well as her essays about the life and writings of Zina Weinshall, round out the picture, and help the reader gain insight into a unique poet.
TO PURCHASE Zina: A Selection From Her Poems and Photographs

Passion: Poems of Love and Protest
Read the Preface of Passion: Poems of Love and Protest
PASSION presents a collection of 150 poems and lyrics written by Judith Weinshall Liberman during 2012. This collection is a sequel to REFLECTIONS, her previous anthology of poems, lyrics, and stories, created with her daughter, Dr. Laura Liberman. Illustrated with photographs that highlight some of the people depicted in the verses, this collection covers a wide array of topics arranged in categories from love and relationships to looking back and remembering. Some of the writings are humorous, while others are somber. From the poignancy of "First Love" to the heartbreak of "Losing a Sibling" Liberman captures the essence of what we feel when these changes occur in our lives. Like life itself, PASSION covers the whole gamut of human experience. Two-Way Street Somewhere along the line I learned Love's not a one-way street, For if you take but do not give, You'll end up in defeat. So don't forget to give your love To those of whom you're fond. For true love is a two-way street. Your love will seal your bond.

Reflections: Poems, Lyrics, and Stories
Read the Preface of Reflections: Poems, Lyrics, and Stories
REFLECTIONS includes works written or adapted from writings created over a period of more than half a century. This anthology contains poems, lyrics, and stories, each written by one member of the mother-daughter team of Judith Weinshall Liberman (mother) and Dr. Laura Liberman (daughter). The vast majority of the works were previously unpublished. Both authors have spent most of their adult lives pursuing activities other than writing. For decades, Judith Weinshall Liberman created visual art. Dr. Laura Liberman has had a rewarding career in medicine. Yet both authors have long had a passion for writing and have written extensively within and outside their career fields. Judith Weinshall Liberman has published six books. Dr. Laura Liberman wrote I SIGNED AS THE DOCTOR (2009), a memoir recounting her experiences as a cancer doctor surviving cancer. In REFLECTIONS, the authors reflect on their lives and the people they have known. The poems, lyrics, and stories in REFLECTIONS cover a wide range of topics, and are arranged in about a dozen categories. Some writings are humorous, while others are somber. All come from the authors' heart. Like life itself, REFLECTIONS covers the whole gamut of human experience.